
Actions speak louder than words!

Random Useful Facts:

  • Sunt doar un tip banal intr-o lume banala, in care toti se cred speciali si  neaga ca ar fi banali.
  • Sunt sarcastic, ironic si acid, insa doar in timpul liber.
  • Pasiunile mele sunt: plimbarile lungi pe plaja, violenta nejustificata, teologia, sporturile nautice, shoping-ul in monezi si nu in utimul rand sarcasmul si impactul pe care acesta il are asupra psihicului uman.
  • Dac-as fi pentru zi presedinte v-as amaneta pe toti si nu m-ati prinde. [Din pacate mi-au luat-o altii inainte.]

18 gânduri despre „About

  1. Buna! Momentan sunt putin ocupat, dar voi arunca ceva mai tarziu o privire peste link-uri sa vad despre ce e vorba… Nu stiam ca in Iasi se organizeaza actiuni de tip Food not Bombs!
    Am aflat de pe Antifa Bucuresti despre evenimentele din Grecia si cum nu am gasit mai nimic pe net, am postat pe blog cateva fotografii…
    Merci pt link-uri!

  2. Salutare

    Aceasta este o alta invitatie primita de la activisti din Grecia. Numele si alte date de
    identificare au fost scoase din enuntul de mai jos, pentru protejarea informatiilor
    trimise necriptat…
    In cazul in care stiti oameni care sunt interesati sau au cunostinte mai detaliate despre
    aceste privatizari „avantajoase” care s-au intamplat in romania, ar fi bine sa anuntati,
    la adresa mea de email, sa vedem cum ii putem ajuta, macar cu
    informatii detaliate despre efectele si repercursiunile acelor actiuni.
    cei interesati de miscarea din grecia pot de asemenea sa ma contacteze, pentru ca se va
    organiza (probabil in 2010) o plecare conform invitatiei.

    Mai jos e textul:
    PS: Salutare si sa ne revedem cu bine dupa COP15! 🙂

    This is……..from ………………… Greece.

    Things are currently calm, but the students continue the struggle with occupations in
    university buildings.

    For more than a year, we are active against the privatisation of the water company, which
    is going to be sold to SUEZ multinational corporate with all the negative effects that
    you can imagine. We organised several demos, occupations of the water company building,
    propaganda and discussions/film projects throughout the year. We’ve been thinking lately
    of organising a bigger discussion about this issue along with some Romanian comrades who
    are sensitive on these topics (ie ecology, water distribution, administration of public
    and social natural resources etc) and who would like to come and have a presentation
    about these in Greece. What we know is that a company affiliated with SUEZ did the same
    things in Romania and it would be a great „educational” chance for us to realize what is
    going to happen also to us in the future. Moreover, the unionists of the water company
    are really interested to know if there were (or are) any syndicalists of the romanian
    water company who resisted to the privatization and find out more about this story. If
    you can find any contacts also with them (if any), it would be great to have them also
    here. Or maybe an expert (professor or something like that) who would be willing to talk
    about these issues.

    So, hoping that you could help us, the above is an open invitation for people from
    Romania who are interested in these. We can offer accommodation, food and hopefully cover
    some or all of the travel expenses (depending on how many people will come).

    In Solidarity,

  3. In general pun in blogroll link-uri catre chestii care mi se par mishto. Nu astept neaparat acelasi lucru si din partea celuilalt, dar ar fi dragut daca ai face asta! Poti folosi imaginea din Header.
    La eroi, huh? Sunt doar un tip banal…

  4. in general, p.d.s cauta sa fie un meeting point pentru toti care au similitudini (aoleu, inca un cuvant pe acre nu pot sa-l pronunt in viata reala) in modul de gandire. pana sa scot p.d.s, nu stiam ca estem mai multi. asa ca, da, you – hero!

  5. Asa sunt eu mai… misterios! 😀

    [Serios vorbind,] intentionez sa fac asta de ceva timp, dar nu prea imi iese. Se pare ca a te descrie pe tine insuti e mai dificil decat pare… Cred insa cu tarie ca actiunile tale te definesc mai bine decat o vor face vreodata cuvintele!

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